martes, 25 de junio de 2013

News!! (200 words)

France prohibit the electronic cigarrete, they prohibit the publicity of tobacco in all France because they search that it kills 6 million people in a year and they prohibit smoking in punlic places since 2006 and when this happen, it became popular the electric cigarrete.

The electronic cigarrete when is aspirate, throws nicotina and propilenglicol in your lungs.his cigarrete was inveted in China and the idea was, that the smokers stop smoking but some people say that is no end, they still smoking.

In May 2011, the agence security of France recommend to stop smoking those products, that the only way to get them is by internet and special store's.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Poster 2

This poster is not really good, I don't understand it, it has a lot of mistakes, and it doesn't have so many creative things, it could be better but it has so many mistakes.


I Think is really good, it has a lot of important information and it gives you really important facts, and I understand everything.

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Smoking is bad for your life

If you smoke you will have a special place when you die... A place in Death of Hell
Smoke is like a gun but The difference is that smoke kill you silently
You can lose the most important people in your life
If you continue smoking, you will die silently and a suffering Death
You will die slowly and you cannot change that
Dont waste your life, make a change. Smoking is your count to Death.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Making A Change In Children's Life About Tobacco

Tobacco is dangerous in children's lives and the people that are around. Smoking tobacco in, before, after school is dangerous for you and your future. Policies are clearly and consistently communicated, applied and enforced to reduce tobacco use among student's. More children are smoking and they don't know the consecuence, affecting their life and people around them. School grades are not taken seriously, the children dont pay attention. Also they affect public places and important matches, meetings, etc.. that are in open places, also they can affect people that dont smoke. In school, teachers should plan a work for the student about tobacco, project and then present to the school or the parent's. They could tell their stories about tobacco and the consecuences or problems that they had. Parent should help their kid and quit them from tobacco, helping them, going to outside places, that they like, do sports with them and support them in all the trouble they have. School should make them know the consecuence and the problems that they could have Tobacci could change the attitude of the student's having negative attitudes and a bad influences and be bad for their friends or students. A big step to stop the smoke of tobacco, is that the teachers shouldn't smoke of tobacco, is that the teachers shouldn't smoke, in my school they don't do that, because they could take the attention of the student and the student would reply that action. School should call the student to makje a project about tobacco, so when they do the project they realize the bad consecuence that tobacco produces, when they do the project they should present to the parents, because parents could make a big change about the consecuence of tobacco. If they start this change from the middle school, they could make a big changes in their life but the seniors they wont take importance because they smoke since they were kids and they dont care the consecuence and also at that age, they do what they want. Student's should know that the tobacco is not the only way to relax, they could go out with their friends, do the sport that they like, and all those things are not bad in life. Tobacco make your life bad and you dont realize the bad things, until is too late and they dont have anyone to support them.