miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013
The New Traditional School
Over the past years, the Allsop academy make a lot of changes, making them one of the best school's in the UK. The new headmaster change the rule's to make the school a betterf place to learn, if the student come with long hair or short hair, or using phone in class or they wear the wrong shoes, they send them home. Now, they cannot go to fast food to lunch and i they dont do their homework, they have to stay on after school. There are no problems now in the school like before, because of the new rules. In my opinion, I think the changes help the student's to be prepare in the future, to make them a better person, with a good acttitude and a good grade to be succesful when they grow and have a good future making the things that they love.
lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013
Drive Task
.-Task 5 Section 1
.-Task 5 Section 3
.-Task 2 Section 2
.-Task 5 Section 3
.-Task 2 Section 2
miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013
miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013
TV task....
They tell me that you will be a TV presenter, you have to know that is not easy, you have to be nice with the people, be funny, be always happy, you have to know that is really hard to be famous and get sponsored, so you have to stay positive, do everything they tell you, and be creative and expressive. Remember always positive and I know that you will be great, cause you are funny and a great person.
Leisure Center (task)
I'm writing this because people are really mad with the new leisure center.
First of all, the center is very small and there is not so many places to go and shop, the is no new shop's and nothing new.
Second, the place is really disgusting, there is trash in every place and there is no cleaner,the clothes get a disgusting smell and that can also affect to the babies and kids.
Third and final, the people that work in the shop, don't help you and they don't care what you do, if you wanna ask for the price, they tell you in a silently voice and they don't repeat, cause the get angry.
Hope you correct this mistakes.
Travel Magazine (Task)
I'm writing this letter to tell you the amazing place I visit! It's beautiful and the people I meet to!
The place that I visited was San Martin de Los Andes, is a little town, to hours from Pucon, the view is amazing, the Patagonia and Cordillera de Los Andes are beautiful! And when is winter time, is more beautiful!
The Aduana is a waste of time but when you are about 100KM from San Martin de Los Andes, the 'desert' and the colorful flower, make the trip a beautiful time, cause is about 2 hours to get from Aduana to San Martin.
The people are really nice, I met a girl that do ski, and she tell me about the fun time she live in San Martin. It a beautiful place to go with the family and I recommend a 100%
Savka is a cooperative person because she always is there for their friends and family, she helps her mother in the kitchen, to the clean the house. She is always positive and take that problem or help seriously but when is funny, she is happy and not serious or angry. When they need help, they call her because she is always positive and proactive, and she always want to learns something new. She do about 8 sports, so she get tire to home but when the ask her to help someone, she is always available to help you.
lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013
Futbol Penalty
I saw a soccer match by my TV, when I saw a random player that punched in the face to other player, the reffere doesn't saw it and the impact was really bad, the partners of the player that was punched, claimed the penalty but the reffere doesnt saw it, so he can't do nothing.
Organizers must do something, the fault was really bad and it cannot happen again, the soccer is a clean sport,and this type of faults cannot happen, even more if it serious. The soccer fanatics, were really angry and they dont accept this,even if the reffere didnt saw, cause the fault was really bad.
Organizers must do something, the fault was really bad and it cannot happen again, the soccer is a clean sport,and this type of faults cannot happen, even more if it serious. The soccer fanatics, were really angry and they dont accept this,even if the reffere didnt saw, cause the fault was really bad.
Section 3 Task 5
The Surprise Party
Last week, my best friend was going to be 17! and I decided to make him a suprise party.
First, I told my friends to bring some food and some games, it was goin to be in my house, so I move all the important things because I dont want anything broke and if they broke something, I will be in troubles.
My friend's love the idea to do a surprise party! Everyone say: Yes! Inmediatly, so the party was complete, the only thing that I have to do was to invite my best friend.
In the end, everyone have a good time and they told me, that this arty, was the best party ever.
Last week, my best friend was going to be 17! and I decided to make him a suprise party.
First, I told my friends to bring some food and some games, it was goin to be in my house, so I move all the important things because I dont want anything broke and if they broke something, I will be in troubles.
My friend's love the idea to do a surprise party! Everyone say: Yes! Inmediatly, so the party was complete, the only thing that I have to do was to invite my best friend.
In the end, everyone have a good time and they told me, that this arty, was the best party ever.
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
Tobacco work
Preventing Youth Tobacco Use
We will make a change of tobacco being used in schools. We are going to do the job that professionals dont do, helping all kids that are involved with that problems.
Our prevention programme"s iniciative is to make people more aware about this issue. We will first talk with the autorities to start planning everything. As they agree, we will start making posters and flyers to make people understand our proyect. Finally we will try making conferences with the school psychologists.
Family is also involved a little bit in this proyect. We also want to make the parents know about this issue, so they can also help the teens with the problems they are dealing with.
The main problem is that a lot of kids already started using tobacco. So we got to help them quit or at least try to. The other big problem is that some kids want to start at their age, so the purpose is to divert them form that.
The main goals of this big proyect are to create awareness. Get the teens that are already using drugs to make want to quit and help them when they get to that. And also divert the ones that are trying to start
The hard things are going to convince the headmaster of the school to let us do this. Also to make so many posters ans flyers to advice the school.
Even all of our hard work, the only outcome we will get out of this will be the self satisfaction of knowing that we have helped people in trouble and maybe change some lives.
We will make a change of tobacco being used in schools. We are going to do the job that professionals dont do, helping all kids that are involved with that problems.
Our prevention programme"s iniciative is to make people more aware about this issue. We will first talk with the autorities to start planning everything. As they agree, we will start making posters and flyers to make people understand our proyect. Finally we will try making conferences with the school psychologists.
Family is also involved a little bit in this proyect. We also want to make the parents know about this issue, so they can also help the teens with the problems they are dealing with.
The main problem is that a lot of kids already started using tobacco. So we got to help them quit or at least try to. The other big problem is that some kids want to start at their age, so the purpose is to divert them form that.
The main goals of this big proyect are to create awareness. Get the teens that are already using drugs to make want to quit and help them when they get to that. And also divert the ones that are trying to start
The hard things are going to convince the headmaster of the school to let us do this. Also to make so many posters ans flyers to advice the school.
Even all of our hard work, the only outcome we will get out of this will be the self satisfaction of knowing that we have helped people in trouble and maybe change some lives.
martes, 25 de junio de 2013
News!! (200 words)
France prohibit the electronic cigarrete, they prohibit the publicity of tobacco in all France because they search that it kills 6 million people in a year and they prohibit smoking in punlic places since 2006 and when this happen, it became popular the electric cigarrete.
The electronic cigarrete when is aspirate, throws nicotina and propilenglicol in your lungs.his cigarrete was inveted in China and the idea was, that the smokers stop smoking but some people say that is no end, they still smoking.
In May 2011, the agence security of France recommend to stop smoking those products, that the only way to get them is by internet and special store's.
France prohibit the electronic cigarrete, they prohibit the publicity of tobacco in all France because they search that it kills 6 million people in a year and they prohibit smoking in punlic places since 2006 and when this happen, it became popular the electric cigarrete.
The electronic cigarrete when is aspirate, throws nicotina and propilenglicol in your lungs.his cigarrete was inveted in China and the idea was, that the smokers stop smoking but some people say that is no end, they still smoking.
In May 2011, the agence security of France recommend to stop smoking those products, that the only way to get them is by internet and special store's.
lunes, 24 de junio de 2013
miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013
martes, 18 de junio de 2013
Smoking is bad for your life
If you smoke you will have a special place when you die... A place in Death of Hell
Smoke is like a gun but The difference is that smoke kill you silently
You can lose the most important people in your life
If you continue smoking, you will die silently and a suffering Death
You will die slowly and you cannot change that
Dont waste your life, make a change. Smoking is your count to Death.
Smoke is like a gun but The difference is that smoke kill you silently
You can lose the most important people in your life
If you continue smoking, you will die silently and a suffering Death
You will die slowly and you cannot change that
Dont waste your life, make a change. Smoking is your count to Death.
lunes, 17 de junio de 2013
Making A Change In Children's Life About Tobacco
Tobacco is dangerous in children's lives and the people that are around.
Smoking tobacco in, before, after school is dangerous for you and your future. Policies are clearly and consistently communicated, applied and enforced to reduce tobacco use among student's. More children are smoking and they don't know the consecuence, affecting their life and people around them.
School grades are not taken seriously, the children dont pay attention. Also they affect public places and important matches, meetings, etc.. that are in open places, also they can affect people that dont smoke.
In school, teachers should plan a work for the student about tobacco, project and then present to the school or the parent's. They could tell their stories about tobacco and the consecuences or problems that they had.
Parent should help their kid and quit them from tobacco, helping them, going to outside places, that they like, do sports with them and support them in all the trouble they have. School should make them know the consecuence and the problems that they could have
Tobacci could change the attitude of the student's having negative attitudes and a bad influences and be bad for their friends or students. A big step to stop the smoke of tobacco, is that the teachers shouldn't smoke of tobacco, is that the teachers shouldn't smoke, in my school they don't do that, because they could take the attention of the student and the student would reply that action.
School should call the student to makje a project about tobacco, so when they do the project they realize the bad consecuence that tobacco produces, when they do the project they should present to the parents, because parents could make a big change about the consecuence of tobacco.
If they start this change from the middle school, they could make a big changes in their life but the seniors they wont take importance because they smoke since they were kids and they dont care the consecuence and also at that age, they do what they want.
Student's should know that the tobacco is not the only way to relax, they could go out with their friends, do the sport that they like, and all those things are not bad in life. Tobacco make your life bad and you dont realize the bad things, until is too late and they dont have anyone to support them.
martes, 7 de mayo de 2013
Activity Pg 85-86

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013
lunes, 29 de abril de 2013
Roman Times
I woke up at 6:00am, I eat a bread and drink a glass of milk. I say goodbye to my family and go to work. When I get to work, I pick up my things and materials to keep working, my partners keep using the mix of earth and water, then we put some Groma to do more quickly the work and some stones in the border with a way to ditches. We constructed a bath house for the soldiers, a assembly hall for the weapons and some food. When the day finished, I bring some fresh bread to home and to eat it tomorrow and some eggs, I helped my son to build her wall to protect her toys and do like a war of toys. Then I go to sleep with my wife.
lunes, 8 de abril de 2013
Octopus Dare, The Game
1.- You have to steer a ship through the water whilst moving around to avoid the shoals that appear out of no where as you get closer to them.
2.- Once you've got past of the shoals a message appears: You have reached the Spot
3.- The second part of the game is where the player has to get there submarine past the octopuses tentacles and down to the treasure chest near the bottom of the screen.
Letter, Aunt Alice

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013
jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013
Yellow Fever
For ages 9 months and older. Live vaccine given only at approved locations. International Certificate of Vaccination
is given with each dose. Should be given at least 2 weeks before travel. Protection lasts for 10 years. Those with
life-threatening allergic reactions to eggs, chicken, or gelatin should not receive this vaccine. Side affects include
redness and swelling at the injection site, mild fever and aches. Rare, severe reactions may occur in people age 60
and older.
Hepatitis B
For persons of any age. This inactivated vaccine is given as a 3 dose series. The first 2 doses are given one month
apart, followed by the 3rd dose at 6 months. For adequate protection, the first 2 doses properly spaced one month
apart, should be given before travel. Completing the 3 dose series gives protection for many years and no further
boosters are recommended. Side affects for most people include redness and swelling at the injection site, fever, or
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
For ages 10 and older. Vaccine is routinely given as a one-time booster to teens and adults. Provides protection
for 10 years, after which boosters for Tetanus and diphtheria should be continued routinely every 10 years. Mild to
moderate side affects include pain, redness, swelling at the injection site. Also headache, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, and tiredness.
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013
1-.Biosphere Expeditions|Honduras, Slovakia, Oman, Ozares|Protect Arabian leopard of Oman, the wolves of Slovakia, the whale of the Azores, and the reef of Honduras.
2-.Sierra Club| Colorado, Aspen| Clean up trash and restore woodland areas, such as cleaning trails a long the Appelachian trail.
3-.Cross-Cultural Solutions| Morocco, Peru, Costa Rica| Volunteering in orphanages, child care center and school. 15 to 17 can teach English in Chine, helping with child care in Brazil…
4-.Global Citizens Network|Guatemala Nepa Kenya| Help building medical clinc in Kenya, constructing a roof for Tibetai, refugees in Nepa
5-.Habitat for Humanity| Cameroon, Malasyia, Paraguay, Romania| Helping towns or cities destroyed by natural disaster.
6-.Earthwarth| Nepal, British Columbia, South Dakota| Study rehus monkey feeding beahavior in Nepal, help protect the pacific grey whales in British Columbia or excavate mammoths in South Dakota.
a.-Hectic=intense activity, confusion
b.-Schedule=timetable used to arrange your day/week
c.-Hanging= to suspend in air
d.-Dig= to make a hole on the ground
e.-Kneeling= to give less strain to ones back than bending
f.-Hauling up= to pull or drag forcibly
g.-Pottery Shards= pieces of ceramic
h.-Beads= a small decoprative object
i.-Lodging= is a type of a residential acomodation
j.-Wares= an narticle of acommerce
k.-Allay= to lessen or relieve
l.-Impoverished=being really poor
m.-Pounding= to hit something or someone
n.-Outfitter= a shop or person that sells clothes
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013
6 march, 2013
Im sending this letter to you,to tell you about good thing I don this summer and what you hve to do month.
This summer I go to swim but not to relax,I go to beat my time causeI dont swim in a lot of months and to get ready to go the competition and to win a gold medal.
The other week Ido cycling with myuncle, we goto Mantaguaand the other day we go Maitencillo and ride to Papudo, and that`s a trip of 30k!! hahahaha.
And the next year I will like to go to the mountains something like that, to do some outside exercise.
AsI know you were doing races, you should try to go to swim, to get more resistant and energy for the race and cycling in Andino but it has a lot of rocks
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